Does this sound like you?

  • You take medication for your ADHD which has certainly helped you with focus, hyperactivity, and impulsivity but still find yourself facing performance challenges at work or school.

  • You find yourself overwhelmed with mental and even sometimes physical clutter.

  • You have started all sorts of different time management systems but none of them seem to “stick” and keep you organized.

  • You lack confidence and generally suffer from poor self-esteem.

  • Over assertiveness or aggression has caused harm to your professional or personal life.

  • You feel overwhelmed and alone and friends and family just don’t seem to understand.

    What is Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder?

Why hire an ADHD Coach?

If any of the problems above sound familiar to you or you see them exhibited by a family member, it may be time to call in extra support.

  • An ADHD Coach can pick up where your medical provider or therapist leaves off.

  • An ADHD coach focuses the time during your sessions to manage the problems you are faced with on a daily basis rather than fixing a disorder or treating symptoms.

  • Working with an ADHD Coach allows you to get one on one support and a structure for accountability.

  • You may suffer from symptoms of ADHD and have no formal diagnosis. Diagnosis is helpful but not required to work with an ADHD Coach.

Why Amanda?

My specialty is helping clients create order out of chaos. The methods that I use with traditional clients don’t always work for those that suffer from ADHD. That is why chemistry and building rapport with each client is so important. Your initial session will focus on understanding your greatest challenges and needs and assessing if I am a good fit as your coach.

If you are a parent overwhelmed by parenting your ADHD teen or emerging adult, I can help. It is sometimes helpful for a young adult to work with someone outside of the household who can provide care while maintaining strong boundaries and holding them accountable.

Schedule a free consult here.