Vision Boarding, Mind Mapping and Everything in Between...

Did you catch my Facebook live video on Monday? Wow, that was something else! One of my goals for 2017 is to expand my coaching and consulting business and experiment with new programs and services. Facebook Live helps get the message out there, but ouch, its not always easy, and sometimes those little videos make me a nervous wreck! 

So why am I telling you this? That week I really wanted to talk to folks about goal setting. Vision boards, mind maps, bullet journals, are all popular methods to getting those goals down on paper. But for many, creating a collage of their vision for the future isn't enough.

Too often I hear from clients and friends that while they made a great attempt in the beginning, at the end of the year they had fallen short. Sometimes there is a gap between that vision and the day to day. I use a mind map to fill the gap with action. A quick look on Pinterest will connect you with thousands of great ideas for mind maps. 

If there is one big take away, that i would want you to remember from that video or this blog, I hope that you will remember the "scary" part. Last week I was listening to a podcast by Michael Hyatt, focused on goal setting for the new year. He identified three "zones" that you might be living in as you plan your goals for this year.  

The Comfort Zone

The Discomfort Zone 

The Delusional Zone. 

If you are seated in the comfort zone, you probably aren't stretching yourself enough. Nothing really great come easy. 

When your plans feel scary, uncertain, and just plain make you a nervous wreck, you might be getting to the good stuff.

If your goals, aren't specific, measurable, REALISTIC, and timely, OOPS, you might be in the delusional zone. 

Also, we all need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. Accountability and support is a beautiful thing. 

Until next time!


